Safety First!

Please click here to view our Health and Safety Policy.

Dalmec builds its manipulators using only the best quality components available, and submits them to stringent testing, guaranteeing the end user safety, reliability and continuous efficiency.

Safety Checklist

Movements, Posture and Layout Assessment

  • Is the task repetitive?
  • Is there frequent or prolonged bending down where the hands pass mid-thigh?
  • Is there frequent or prolonged reaching above the shoulder?
  • Is there frequent or prolonged bending due to extended reach forward?
  • Is there frequent or prolonged twisting of the back?
  • Are awkward postures assumed frequently or over prolonged periods, that is postures that are not forward and upright?

Task and Object Assessment

  • Is manual handling performed for long periods of time?
  • Are loads moved or carried over a distance?
  • Is the weight of the load more than 16 kg (non seated)?
  • Is pushing or pulling required?
  • Is the load difficult or awkward to handle i.e. size, shape, temperature, instability and unpredictability?
  • Is it difficult to get an adequate grip of the load?
  • Does it require two or more people to lift?

Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

Health and Safety Executive

The Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) govern the provision and use of lifting equipment and lifting operations in all work places in Great Britain. The Regulations are made under the Health and Safety Work Act 1974 and build on the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER ’98). LOLER is intended to provide a single set of modern “goal setting” Regulations governing the provision and use of lifting equipment that are consistent across all sectors of business and industry.

LOLER sets the objectives that are the duty of the employer to meet in the manner most suited to their particular business.

LOLER defines “lifting equipment” as being work equipment used for lifting or lowering loads and includes its anchorage, fixing or supporting attachments.

Specific details of how these Regulations are applied are contained in the Approved Code Of Practice (ACOP) “Safe Use of Lifting Equipment”.

Lifting Equipment Covered By LOLER

LOLER is aimed primarily at the same categories of lifting equipment covered under previous sector specific legislation such as Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1961 and Factories Act 1961 etc. LOLER now applies to the same equipment in whichever industry it is used. Examples of lifting equipment covered in addition to the traditional cranes, lifts, hoists and lifting gear include:-

  • Vacuum lifting crane
  • Garage vehicle lift
  • Scissor lift
  • Counterbalance and telescopic fork lift truck
  • Passenger lift in an office block

Link to Health and Safety Executive website: Musculoskeletal Disorders.